The left Action Token is face up, and therefore available. The right one, however is face down as it has already been used. The used Token will not become available again until the start of the next Round.

Rangers perform various actions by flipping their Action Tokens around.  There are 4 actions which can be done using Action Tokens:

  1. Move
  2. Recover
  3. Initiate Battle
  4. Gain Energy


Using an Action Token for Movement will allow the Rangers to move from one location to another.  Barring any special conditions, there are no restrictions to where a Ranger may move.  Therefore, a Ranger does not need to move through one location on the way to his destination.


Eddie Banks may choose any combination of cards from his discard pile to add back into his deck, so long as the total shield value does not exceed 6.

When Recovering, a Ranger chooses cards in his discard pile with a total shield value of 6, or less, and shuffles them back into his Combat Deck.  The Ranger will also take 1 energy from the supply if they don’t already have one.

Initiate Battle

Commander Cruger has initiated the Battle, so he takes the Lead Ranger Token.

Initiating Battle begins the Combat Sequence.  The Ranger who initiated will take the Lead Ranger Token, and then Battle preparation begins.

Gain Energy

Rangers may use an Action Token during Battle to add 2 Energy Tokens to the Shared Energy Pool.  It should be noted that Rangers CANNOT spend 2 Energy Tokens to flip a face down Action Token face up.